
Generosity isn’t just about giving, it’s about seeing yourself as a gift to the world. It’s about seeing all the small things about yourself as worthy to share and seeing every beautiful thing about yourself as a blessing to bestow on others.

That is what our artisans learn—it’s how they live out life every time they string beads on thin strands of string, all gathered in groups to hear about God and his love.

Our beautiful artisans give the gift of themselves—an act of generosity that heals and restores them in the process—as they show up to share the work of their hands, the creativity of their minds, the stories in their souls.

Generosity is reciprocated when we give in response to the lives that we have been gifted to see:

Every Fashion & Compassion post that you share is a shout in the dark for hope.
Every necklace that you purchase amplifies the truth of our artisans’ purpose.
Every visit to our boutique is proof that you believe in our cause.

Your generosity—the giving of yourself to this cause—is the greatest gift. And lives, all across the globe, are being saved and changed and made rich in love because of YOUR generosity!

We are thankful for the way you give—for the way you shop and the way you share about our cause!

Rachel Kang is a writer, editor, and the creator of Indelible Ink Writers, an online writing community. Her writing has been featured in The Daily Grace Co., {in}courage, Charlotte Magazine, and Christianity Today. See more of Rachel's work and writing at

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