If you peeled back the layers behind the beads on our bracelets, you’d find the heartbeat of our purpose, right down to the brass.
You’d find the words of our mission statement to be more than lovely sayings or hopeful sentiments; you’d find that they are the embodiment of racial reconciliation—the epitome of the work it takes to fight for enduring equality.
We built our beliefs on the uncompromised vision to empower formerly vulnerable women—women born, and often forced, into violence, slavery, and poverty—to live abundant, purposeful lives.
That’s why our baskets and bracelets mean more than what meets the eye. Like our Bethlehem Bracelet, hand-crafted in Ethiopia, a nation in East Africa with the lowest level of income equality. It matters what a bracelet like this one is made with—beads of brass and nickel and copper that have been up-cycled and repurposed from bullets spent during the civil war in Ethiopia.
Because, the truth is, Fashion & Compassion exists for more than just beads—we exist for the belief that every life deserves to breathe.
We exist for the belief that there is a better way, a new day—for our beautiful brothers and sisters, here at home and around the world, to live and know freedom and not fear, empowerment and not poverty, peace and not war.
We are heartbroken at all of the ways this world is broken—all the names of the men and women who continue to lose their lives on account of the color of their skin or the system they’re born into.
That is why we invite you into supporting and shopping our mission:
Our jewelry is justice in action—it gives jobs to the ones society’s stamped out and set into systems.
It brings currency and reconstructed change into the lives of the ones that society's left out from the beginning.
The road to restoration is a hard and long one, and we realize that cattle horn, and branches for baskets, and recycled bullets from a past of pain will never erase a country’s sin or irrevocable stains.
But—we are believers in goodness and believers in a good God who breathes new life into broken things.
It’s not an impossible fight, and we all have a part to play. Shopping our store won’t save the whole world, but it’s a start—for one life, one village, one city.
When you buy our beaded bracelets and our hand-stamped necklaces, you’re not just buying jewelry.
You’re putting money where it matters, where it empowers steady steps toward true systemic freedom and equality.
You’re not just buying jewelry.
You’re joining justice.
Rachel Kang is a local author, writer, and friend of Fashion & Compassion who is passionate about making a difference and works with our Artisans on a regular basis!
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