Kenyan Beaded Bracelet

$9.00 $18.00

How It's Made

BeadWORKS meets women where they are, and makes it possible for them to earn incomes and retain their traditional, semi-nomadic lifestyles. Our design, training and sourcing processes deliver the high-quality products which international customers require, while respecting and supporting the needs and demands of the pastoralist cultures. The BeadWORKS products come from individual artisans, self-governed women’s groups and meaningful community relationships – not factories. We involve the women in refining product quality and design, improving their skills and building group leadership. Our products not only embody the integrity of the artisans who make them, but also support the survival of the wildlife who depend on them.

About BeadWORKS Kenya

BeadWORKS creates opportunities for pastoralist women in northern Kenya to translate their traditional skills into much-needed income. A business line of NRT Trading, the commercial arm of The Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT), BeadWORKS is part of a powerful and growing movement to transform lives. By promoting peaceful community partnerships, we are committed to conserving natural resources and wildlife through self-governed, community-owned conservancies and sustainable, social and ethical enterprise.